Marketing relationships don’t last forever

Febr 2023
A relationship between company and marketing agency always starts very nicely. Two partners are in love with each other. They see each other’s beautiful sides. But, even successful realities don’t always last forever. Often they hit the rocks due to lack of attention.
As a company, when you work with a marketing agency, remember that you cannot fly on autopilot. Trust and partnership are key concepts in a solid relationship between brand and marketing partner.
Most common complaints from companies:
1. They don’t know anything about our business
2. They are way too expensive
3. They don’t follow our briefing
4. They have no structure
5. They are stubborn
6. They don’t listen or do what I ask
7. They are slow with their reactions
8. They fuss about adjustments and changes
9. They don’t make corrections or make them poorly
10. They don’t take enough initiative
Most common marketing agency complaints:
1. They don’t understand the communication business
2. They don’t want to pay for our service and creativity
3. Briefings are unclear and superficial
4. They are poorly organized
5. They are stubborn
6. They don’t listen to our advice
7. They never respond on time
8. They always want immediate help
9. They don’t provide enough insight into their business
10. They are difficult to reach
Know which phase your relationship is in to understand your relationship with your marketing agency better
1. Getting acquainted – you decide to work together. Now the honeymoon begins. There is still too little evidence and there is little routine.
2. Build-up phase – up or down. Does the marketing agency live up to expectations? The basic strategy has been approved. Processes are fine-tuned and improved.
3. Routine phase – when both parties are attuned to each other. Both are familiar with the problem and how to deal with each other. Communication is strong and emotional bonds are built.
4. Wind down phase – is always lurking. The relationship is getting worn out. The challenge is no longer there, other people etc.
5. Final phase – when the relationship between company and agency continues to sour until the cramp is unbearable. There are more frequent discussions about lack of productivity, too high invoices or too much carelessness.
Jelloow is here to smooth out any wrinkles you may find with a marketing agency relationship. Say you find the perfect agency for you and there have not been any problems. That is great and we are happy to help! There is also the other side of things where you may find yourself in a toxic marketing agency relationship and need help finding a new one. We are also here for you during that time as well. Jelloow is always here to make sure you are satisfied.